Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cleaning style

As I attempted to revisit blogging today, I was bombarded by way too much clutter on my page and just felt overwhelmed and under-inspired.

Funny that the house full of clutter surrounding my desk chair and computer screen was so much less disturbing...but I digress...

The lovely ladies behind The Ivy Twines just had a post about blog design. You can check out it out here. Thanks to their introduction, in steps from stage right - Makin' Cute Blogs - what a revelation. This site is fantastic. There are so many free background sites out there, and good ones, but Carolynn from MCB has these awesome tutorials for doing it yourself.

First she sent me to ColourLover. Don't even get me started on how cool this is. And free. (Did I mention it is SO cool?) I could play on this for hours and even my three year old would love it.

Spiffed up and streamlined things nicely and with a few more color and font tweeks, as well as a new header, things are looking much cleaner.

The other places worth a look are (like a free photoshop and no software downloads) and Pugly Pixel (lovely blog bling clip art).

Here's what I've been up to in the studio:

Kids are in bed, J is out of town on business, time to hit the sewing machine...

1 comment:

  1. Ahh!! I LOVE this!! It looks so beautiful! Thanks for the link too love! :)

    Also, beautiful beautiful beautiful!! Have a great weekend!!



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